May You Pray! A series of conversations about the powerful prayers of Ephesians One

We want to pray every day, all the time, continually – – – right? I know I do! Prayer is a priority to me. However, I find I need an occasional jump start in prayer. Sometimes I need to learn more about prayer and be challenged to press into prayer in new ways. If you feel the same, then I invite you to join me in the upcoming series!

The spiritual discipline of prayer is so important that, once a year, the Family Disciple Me ministry especially focuses on prayer during our “May You Pray” conversation series! During a prayer campaign, we look at various aspects of prayer. This year, we’re exploring the Apostle Paul’s amazing prayer in Ephesians 1, and we’re talking about these five highlights:

With each of these conversations, I invite you to listen to the accompanying podcast episode, which gives the introduction and some background for that specific passage of Scripture. Then spend time with the Lord, seeking Him through the conversation guide. Ask Him the questions “what, why and how” for the theme Scriptures, and consider the additional questions posed in the conversation guide.

Along the way, or after you personally go through a conversation guide, invite someone else into that conversation with you. I’m inviting my family to join me in this year’s series, and I’m also sending the invitation to many of my friends, too. Those far away can join by following along on the Family Disciple Me Instagram or Facebook or the above conversation weblinks. But I’m also intentionally having conversations about this with those who gather with me around the dinner table and small group. I encourage you to think about how YOU can invite your loved ones into this year’s prayer campaign with you!

Our goal in everything with the Family Disciple Me ministry is to “Seek Him Speak Him!” This month, let’s do this especially in our prayer lives!

I can’t wait to hear what God does in your life as you and your loved ones lean into Him through prayer. Be encouraged! ❤️


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