Welcome! It’s March, and I’m so glad you’re joining us here at Family Disciple Me! This month, as college sports fans focus on March Madness, we’re focussing on March MISSION Madness!
Every week this month, we’re highlighting what may look crazy to this world but is crazy AMAZING for Jesus. We encourage you listen in to the podcasts each week, then spend some time in the conversation guide in the show notes. The conversations are:
Each of these courageous women lived lives that were probably seen as foolish to the world but were powerful in the eyes of the Lord. Their examples beg the question: are we living bold, courageous lives for Jesus, too?
I have personally been so challenged by their testimonies. Now it’s OUR TURN to make a difference for God and eternity.
With FDM, we’re not waiting ’til we’re spiritual super-heroes, have more free time or know the whole Bible before we make a difference in God’s Kingdom. Instead, right now, we “Seek Him Speak Him” – which means we grow closer to Jesus then help others grow closer to Him, too. My prayer is that ALL of us will do this.
So join me in March MISSION Madness this month. The MISSION of the Family Disciple Me ministry is to help us transform everyday moments into opportunities to teach lasting faith, one conversation at a time. I am delighted that we get to go on this faith journey together! Be encouraged! ❤️
If you know Jesus, you want those you love to know and follow Him, too. However, chances are, your life is full, responsibilities are big, and overwhelm is real. The Family Disciple Me ministry comes alongside all of us with digital resources to encourage our personal walks with God, inspire our confidence, then guide us to easily engage life-giving conversations with the next generation. Right where we are, today, we can do this! With Family Disciple Me, we can skip the intimidation and get straight to the conversations that really matter, using FDM resources that are…
We may lose our keys, forget our wallets, or leave shoes – – – BUT, we don’t go anywhere without our smart phones, right? This is becoming more and more true in our personal lives and around the globe. Because of this, we’re creating an FDM app to make Devotion Driven Discipleship™ resources more easily accessible along life’s way. The app is in development process, and you can be part of the pre-launch by signing up for notifications! Our target date is 2025, and we can’t wait to share the app with you. In the meantime, discipleship doesn’t start with an app – – – discipleship starts with a conversation. So get going! Click on over to the podcast for conversation resources today!
The Family Disciple Me Podcast will encourage and equip you to engage biblical conversations with those you love and care about. (You can scroll through these podcasts using the scroll bar on the right!)