March MISSION Madness – Convo #4: Selflessness (Philippians 2:3-4)

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippians 2:3-4 NIV


SEEK HIM: Devotion is Meeting with God in Our Own Lives! 

The world encourages self-promotion and self-interest, making the idea of putting others first seem like madness. Yet, this is exactly what God calls us to do. Instead of chasing personal ambition, He invites us to live humbly, placing others’ needs above our own—just as Jesus did. Let’s Seek Him about living this crazy mission! (Listen to this podcast episode about Mary Slessor HERE as you begin!)

WHAT:  What is God saying through this Scripture?

God’s Word reminds us that selfish ambition leads to emptiness, but true greatness comes from humility and serving others. Jesus modeled this when He washed His disciples’ feet and ultimately laid down His life for us. This passage challenges us to shift from a self-centered mindset to one that seeks to serve and bless those around us. ~ What does it look like to put someone else’s needs above your own? Can you think of a time when you put your own interests over someone else’s? How did that go?

WHY:  Why does this Scripture matter? 

Choosing selflessness is countercultural, yet it’s the key to reflect Jesus and build Christ-centered relationships. As the old saying goes, humility isn’t about thinking less of ourselves—it’s about thinking of ourselves less so we can lift others up. True humility comes from knowing our worth in Christ and then giving others greater value, too.  ~ How does living selflessly change the way we interact with others? What is the difference between humility and low self-esteem? How does humility help us value others?

HOW:  How does God want us to respond to this truth?  

Living selflessly starts with small, intentional choices. It might look like letting someone else take the best seat, choosing to listen instead of speaking, or offering help without expecting anything in return. It could be as simple as encouraging a friend, forgiving someone who has wronged you, or taking time to serve someone in need. Selflessness is not a one-time event, though. It’s a daily decision to live like Jesus. ~ What is one way you can intentionally put someone else’s needs above your own today? Is there an area in your life where selfishness is creeping in? How can you surrender that to God? How can you encourage others to embrace the “madness” of selflessness?

SPEAK HIM: Discipleship is Making God Known to Others! 

The world tells us to put ourselves first, but Jesus calls us to a different way—a way that seems like madness to the world. He lived a life of radical selflessness and calls us to do the same. This lifestyle may not make sense to the world, but it is the very thing that sets us apart as His people. This March MISSION Madness, let’s go against the grain of the world and shine the radical, crazy love of Jesus into someone else!

Up Next:

The Story of Margaret Wilson


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