“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 (NIV)
SEEK HIM: Devotion is Meeting with God in Our Own Lives!
Prayer is an incredible mission God gives us. At any time and in any place, He invites us to talk with Him. We can pray for ourselves, and we can also intercede for others. Scripture tells us these prayers are more than just words—they are powerful and effective petitions to God Himself. As we continue in “March MISSION Madness,” let’s take a deeper look at what God’s Word shows us about the power of prayer. (Listen to this podcast episode about Monica HERE as you begin!)
WHAT: What is God saying through this Scripture?
Prayer brings change. God moves in response to prayer, like when He sent rain after Elijah’s persistent prayers (James 5:17-18). What’s more, prayer brings healing—and not just physical healing, but emotional and spiritual restoration as well. Our prayers can so powerfully impact lives in amazing ways. ~ What kind of person’s prayers does this Scripture say are powerful and effective? Have you ever seen prayer bring healing, and, if so, how? Why should we pray for others, not just ourselves?
WHY: Why does this Scripture matter?
When we pray, God listens and works in powerful, healing ways. Knowing God honors the prayer of a righteous person can give us confidence to keep praying, no matter how long it takes to see the answer. ~ How does it affect you to know someone is praying for you? Have you ever felt like your prayers for someone were effective? Who in your life needs your help in prayer right now?
HOW: How does God want us to respond to this truth?
God wants us to consistently pray not only for our own needs but also for the needs of others. He calls us to stand in the gap, lifting others up in prayer and believing for His power to move. We can set daily prayer reminders, reach out to pray with someone in need, or intercede for a miracle. No matter how we live it out, prayer should be an active part of our lives’ mission for Jesus. ~ Who in your life needs prayer right now? How will you pray for them? What can you do to develop a habit of interceding for others regularly?
SPEAK HIM: Discipleship is Making God Known to Others!
To unbelievers, prayer might seem like madness—talking to an unseen God, believing He hears us, and anticipating Him to move in response. However, as Christ followers, we know that what seems foolish to the world is actually the power of God at work (1 Corinthians 1:18). “March MISSION Madness” is about embracing the kind of crazy faith—faith that prays boldly, intercedes passionately, and believes God for the impossible. Let’s step all the way into this ‘madness’ and invite someone else into it with us. Who can you pray with today?
Up Next:
The Story of Mary Slessor