March MISSION Madness – Convo #2: Freedom (Galatians 5:1)

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1, NIV)


SEEK HIM: Devotion is Meeting with God in Our Own Lives! 

Jesus sets His people free, and His freedom gives us quite the Jesus Stories to share! As we experience His deliverance from bondage in our own lives, we can lead others into freedom, too. Let’s meditate on how God wants us to live this out as we “Seek Him” about freedom in Galatians 5:1. (Listen to this brief podcast episode HERE as you begin!)

WHAT:  What is God saying through this Scripture?

This verse is a bold declaration that Jesus sets people free for a purpose. His sacrifice wasn’t just to remove sin’s penalty—it was to release us from the burdens that hold us captive. When He does this, we must stand firm in this freedom, refusing to return to the things that once enslaved us. What’s more, the freedom Christ gives is not to be hoarded but shared. When we stand firm in our own freedom, we become living testimonies that can inspire and lead others toward Jesus’ freedom, as well. ~ In what ways has God set you free? Is there an area where you are still in bondage in some way? What does this Scripture tell you to do about that?

WHY:  Why does this Scripture matter? 

True freedom in Christ changes our lives and can become contagious. When we walk in His freedom, without fear or addiction or bondage, others may take notice. People who are still trapped—in fear, addiction, legalism, shame or even actual physical bondage—are looking for someone who has found a way out. Our faithfulness to intentionally pursue freedom can give them hope and help so they can be free too. ~ What freedom has God given to you? Are you willing to let others see and hear about how He has changed your life? While not everyone is going to choose freedom in Christ, are you willing to risk sharing about His freedom with the people He sends your way?

HOW:  How does God want us to respond to this truth?  

The call to stand firm in freedom isn’t just about our own lives; it’s about helping others break free, too. God calls us to help others find their way to Christ’s freedom. We can share our powerful Jesus stories of how He’s broken bondage in our lives. We can encourage others in their journey, and we walk alongside those who are struggling. There are so many ways that we can lead others with us from captivity to freedom in Christ. ~ Who in your life needs to be led into the freedom you’ve found? Sometimes leading to freedom requires words; other times it requires action. What has God put on your heart?

SPEAK HIM: Discipleship is Making God Known to Others! 

The journey of faith and freedom in Jesus is not meant to be lived in isolation, but rather as a powerful testimony that helps others break free from their own chains. This month, in March MISSION Madness, how will YOU live crazy amazing faith that leads someone else to freedom? Ask God what this looks like for you—then do it!

Up Next :

The Story of Monica, St. Augustine’s Mother


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