It’s March, and every college basketball fan knows what that means—March Madness is here! However, while the world is caught up in basketball brackets and buzzer-beaters, we’re launching our own kind of “madness” at Family Disciple Me: March MISSION Madness!
In basketball, teams battle it out for victory, but the heroes we’re highlighting this month fought for something far greater than a championship—they fought for faith, freedom, and the mission of Christ. They stepped onto the court of life with boldness, faced incredible challenges, and played their part in advancing God’s Kingdom.
Our theme verse for these conversations is 1 Corinthians 1:18—“The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” Each week in March, we’ll focus on someone who exemplified this truth—someone who lived and gave of themselves in a way that the world may have seen as foolish but who, centuries later, still reflects the power of God. Through conversation guides, podcasts, blogs, social media content, and verse images, we’ll explore how their faith and sacrifice can shape our own discipleship journey.
In basketball, sometimes the underdogs pull off the biggest upsets, shocking the world. In an even greater way, God often chooses the most unlikely people to accomplish His greatest purposes. From Harriet Tubman, who risked her life to lead others to freedom, to Monica, the mother of Saint Augustine, to Mary Slessor and Margaret Wilson, two courageous Scottish women, we’ll look at “underdogs” who gave everything for the mission God put before them.
But here’s the real question: How is God calling you to get in the game? Are you sitting on the sidelines, or are you willing to take a shot for your faith, even if it seems like a crazy long shot?
We encourage you to take that crazy long shot. Join us this March, as we’ll be sharing:
🏀 Powerful stories of mission-driven lives – read the blogs or listen in on the PODCASTS about them
🏀 “Seek Him Speak Him” conversations about the Scriptures from their lives
🏀 Challenges to inspire you to live on mission today
The world may not always understand the plays God calls us to make, but His mission is worth it. So lace up, step onto the court, and let’s embrace the “madness” of faith together!
Stay tuned—our first true story drops next week! For now, “Seek Him Speak Him” with this first conversation guide about 1 Corinthians 1:18.
Let’s go, team! 🏆🔥
Be encouraged! ❤️