Day: October 1, 2023

Must Read

No Kid is Asking “Disciple Me”

Kids ask for plenty of stuff. They ask for snacks and wishes and goodnight kisses. They ask for help tying shoes and smearing on glue. They ask for pushes on swings and a great deal of things. Yes, kids ask adults for a lot – but, “disciple me!” – usually not! (At least, not at my house!)  The closest I ever got to having one of my children asking me to “disciple” them was when my sweet little Christianna, all of about six, asked me to read the Bible with her. That was one of my very favorite moments of young motherhood. However, it was just one moment out of years of mothering five kids. My kids asked me for plenty of things but not “disciple me!” Still, regardless of whether or not our kids actually articulate the request, I do believe that they are asking us something very important. The next generation entrusted to us wants to understand why we believe in Jesus. Even if they’re not speaking the overt questions, they want to know who God is to us, what He has done in our lives and why faith matters.  Making Disciples in Our Own Homes In the days and years of relationship, we have the amazing privilege of meeting with God in our own lives and then making Him known to the next generation. What’s more, regardless of what the kids in our lives call us, if we call ourselves followers of Christ, then we have been given a great commission: “Go into all the world and make disciples…” What better place for us to do this than with the people already entrusted to us?  This is a really big deal – to teach the next generation to love God, to know His Word, and to wholeheartedly live for Him.  But, how do we do this? In the midst of all the things they are asking us, we’re already busy doing 1,000 things every day. How do we fit discipleship into our life, too? How do we make disciples in our own homes? Discipleship happens one conversation at a time. Day by day, month by month, year by year. Discipleship happens in the midst of all the questions we’re asked and answers we’re giving. Discipleship is something we can weave in and through the fabric of our days and times with our kids. God’s Call for Discipling Our Kids What’s more, discipleship is part of God’s plan for families. When He established Israel as a nation, one of the first things He told them to do was to start teaching their kids about Him. He said: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-7) Daily along the way, God wanted His people to highlight their love for Him and what His Word says. Since Jesus called His followers to make disciples, then we can see His command in Deuteronomy to apply to us today, too. He wants these talking points to be part of our conversations whether we’re staying at home or on our way somewhere, whether we’re getting up in the morning or going to bed.  Personal Devotion Leading to Relational Discipleship What we talk to our kids about in discipleship can, first and foremost, be born out of our own devotions. When we meet with God – be that in His Word, in prayer or in any of the ways that we can come to know Him – then we have the privilege to make Him known to those entrusted to us. We tell them about what God wants to do in their lives by starting with what God is doing in our own lives. We get to share with our kids our “Jesus Stories,” to help them see what real relationship with God looks like. At Family Disciple Me, we call this the “Seek Him Speak Him” mindset. Sometimes it helps to have guides along the way, which is why the Family Disciple Me ministry exists. We can personally be encouraged by the blogs and podcasts, then we can put that inspiration into practice through biblical, meaningful conversations using the app resources (coming by Spring 2024!). With Family Disciple Me, you will be encouraged to SEEK the Lord in your own life then turn around and SPEAK Him into those around you. One verse, one truth, one theme at a time, you will be inspired to disciple your kids out of what God is doing in your life and devotions. Let’s face it:  your kids will probably not ask you to “disciple” them any more than mine did.  However, our kids’ lives are asking the questions, and Family Disciple Me helps us intentionally answer them through the amazing, life-changing, eternity-impacting adventure of discipleship. Be encouraged! ❤️ Tosha Add Your Heading Text Here

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